
Oil painting gifted to politician
Oil painting delivered at USA
Anniversary gift oil painting
Painting gift pet portrait
Guruji Painting gift

Why we are the best photo to painting service providers

✓ Over 10,000+ satisfactory customers all over the world
✓ 100% Handmade And Premium quality Artwork
✓ Buy Directly From The Artist & Get Needful Suggestions
✓ Affordable Price Guarantee & Free Delivery
✓ Free Online Preview And Modifications Of The Painting/Sketch
✓ India’s Best Handmade Portrait Painting/Sketching Service Provider
✓ Service within 7 Business Days
✓ Unlimited Sizes And Wide Variety Of Art Mediums & Painting Styles
✓ All Sides Of Canvas Artwork Is Also Painted Neatly
Girl dancing painting
Oil painting
lady boss oil portrait
Acrylic painting
Photo to color pencil drawing
Color pencil
Watercolor Portrait
Water colour
Pencil drawing
Pencil drawing
Charcoal portrait
Charcoal drawing

In order to make it simple for our viewers, we have categorized all types of portrait paintings in different painting styles. Explore all painting styles here.

Two different blur images to quality painting

Blur image to painting on canvas
Blur image to painting on canvas

 Send us your images and tell us what all changes you want in it. You can see in the above painting, many details added, like designer saari, jewellery. Bindi, skin tone etc. It’s completely hand painted by experienced artist Partha Biswas.

Picture to painting

Picture to painting is truly the best way to preserve photo memories. In addition to that, photo to painting commissioned by a famous artist will be a unique gift. Especially for loved ones on their special occasions.

Pet portraits painted from photos are the adorable gifts. People love pets and feel pets are the part of life. Gift custom dog art to your besties. Of course, they must have many memories with their pet dogs, but dog portraits paintings are surely heart warming gift. visit our custom pet portraits painted by famous artist Partha Biswas.

Below are the most selling artworks in Photo to painting service. Photo to child portraits, wedding paintings for anniversary gifts, photo to old man portrait, couple painting photos, family paintings and Army and soldier paintings. Whatever is your requirement, we are here to provide you with the quality service. 100% hand painted portraits in many painting styles. Order your portrait today

Portrait painting from photo

Making portrait painting from photograph is a beautiful process. The artist captures the life of the subject while turning photo into painting. Painted portraits indeed grab the moment and catch the feelings of the subject. In other words, a portrait painting reveals the important aspects of the subject (whether it’s people or animals) personality. In view of the artists, portrait making is, stealing expressions from the subject. Granted that, artists reproduce beautifully hand-painted portraits from images with the personal touch.  

Why Painting from photo?

Art has the capacity to articulate the emotions more than the words do. A painting from photo painted for your loved ones will be a unique gift. It carries your heartwarming and true feelings that no other gift could ever do. Ultimately, life is all about embracing beautiful memories. Provided that, we are at Kalakari handmade Paintings, aimed at saving your fleeting memories in the form of art. With this in mind, we are turning image to painting and creating stunning piece of artworks from photos. Making treasured memory for you and your next generations.

Would you like to amaze your special person with personalized portrait gift? Worried where to find a best sketch portrait artist?

Great !!     Kalakari.in is a perfect solution for your search. It is the best website, to order a commissioned portrait online. Artist makes portrait of people and animals, from the photographs. Order placing is a simple process. Select the size and medium of the sketch or painting and email us the photo graph. (Want help – WhatsApp: 7774099936/7774099935)

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