About Us
We are providing paintings in six art medium such as Oil Painting, Acrylic Painting, Water color Painting, Pencil color Drawing, Charcoal Drawing, Pencil Drawing. I, artist Partha Biswas believe that art is my life in fact it holds vital part in the world in day to day life. I was surprised to see my face on a slate drawn with slate pencil by my cousin. There my art life started and I aimed at creating my own art work. I have done a strong art professional course from Chandigarh Prachin Kala Kendra. I have been painting for 2 decades and gained ample of experience working in the fine art industry. I always strive to improve my style of art work and come up with various contemporary paintings. I am a self taught artist and skilled different categories of paintings. Mostly my subjects covered in paintings consist of Portraits, sketching, drawing, landscapes, nature, nudes, statues, emotions, relations. I have participated in many exhibitions held in different cities of India. Currently I deliver my art work not only in India but worldwide. I have developed kalakari.in website to create a great online shopping experience of my paintings to you as I believe this can be the most suitable option to the customers to see my paintings before purchasing.
Many of my customers have a special requirement that, their painting should be as realistic as possible. Everybody say, make my portrait realistic.
I also always make sure to make my painting with quality of realism, irrespective of the painting mediums I use and whatever is the surface may be. Realist is not something copying everything you see in a photo; artist can be creative in his thoughts like with the colours and background styles. Realistic art is not something a recreation of a photograph, but a quality painting which is realistic.
Business model
We do provide handmade paintings made in different 6 art medium Oil Painting & Acrylic Painting Made on canvas, Pencil color drawing, Water color painting, Charcoal Drawing & Pencil drawing made on paper. We receive painting orders from from different region of the globe and the shipping is done in rolled o framed condition. We make painting only after getting order. Customer provide Image Maximum time it’s a portrait some time scenery and other types of artwork.
Explore variety of My Painting at a glance
Paintings made in different ways.
Illustration art

Pencil sketch made in a visual combination it represent nature, Male face, Female face, Monkey on branch.
All together one man kissing on a female’s forehead. Monkey is ear of man. lots of branches are hanging around to present the artwork more meaningful.
Hat of Anglo indian

Colourful Rajasthani Pagdi (hat) been added in painting to give a feel of indian.
Motivational painting

Some time management want to motivate employee to work in better way, and they try unique technique or idea. The painting was created to do same.
multimedia painting

Painting dosent have limit or strict way to create. Here the painting was created to show case a King with his horse. Scratch technique was used to make this artwork.