“Mother” – Which Word Define Her The Most?
Love, God, Care, Sacrifice, Patience, A teacher, Nature, Peace, Unselfishness, A first friend, A best friend or A forever friend, so on and so on.
Yes! There is no end to this list. Neither a single word nor a single phrase can define her.
Every mother loves her children unconditionally and gives everything to them with unconditional love, no matter what her children are and how they behave with her. She is a goddess who bears all the shit of her children and still loves them with all her heart.
A mother is a pure-hearted person with unselfishness. She sacrifices all her personal needs behind to give everything possible to her children. Mothers feed their kids first so that they can have sufficient. Even though there is little or no food remaining for her, she fills her stomach with happiness and smile.

If you are a teenager and like spending time nights outside, you should remember that there is your Mother at home waiting for you, who will not sleep until she sees her child reach home safely.
Mothers protect their children till end of their life.
It’s highly justifiable to compare mother with nature. The way trees never eat their own fruits, the way rivers never drink their own water, a mother live for her children but not for herself. She has the power calm and comfort her children.
A mother is the first friend to play with; she is the trusted and best friend to share all your secrets and also a forever friend who never leaves you behind no matter what.
There is a peace in mother’s love. A gentle and kindness in her arms make her children sleep peacefully. She is a great teacher and motivator. Your mother will be always there to lift your spirits whenever you feel down.
Not everybody and every day show adoration to their mother. Thank you mom and I love you are the words which make her feel happy.
And her day is coming soon, Mother’s day 2020. Did you plan anything for your mother, what to gift, or how you can make her feel that you are love and care for her.
Contact us for the same.
Collect beautiful moments of your mother she loves the most and sends us the photograph. We convert them to beautiful handmade paintings.
Present her a portrait painting of her own photograph on this mother’s day and tell how precious she is to you.
Mother’s day 2020 gifts.