Oil Painting on Canvas
Traditional oil painting techniques often begin with the artist sketching the subject onto the canvas with charcoal or thinned paint. Oil paint is usually mixed with linseed oil, artist grademineral spirits, or other solvents to make the paint thinner, faster or slower-drying. (Because these solvents thin the oil in the paint, they can also be used to clean paint brushes.) A basic rule of oil paint application is ‘fat over lean’. This means that each additional layer of paint should contain more oil than the layer below to allow proper drying.
The Painting at left side you can see, it is an old picture and after zooming it was noticed that, all sharp features was blur and it was a be bit challenging to convert this picture in to realistic and featured in detailed, in this circumstances creativity, imagination helps to increase quality of the painting. It was 36″X24″ dimension, and painting took more than 45 days to complete, as gate up of painting character is in traditional dress also the was passed away, customer of this painting was in demand with similar cultural dress.
Oil Painting is the best medium in handmade painting medium, it gives real looking glance of painted character, most of the people wish to have oil painting, but some time for some people it can become bit challenging, because of its cost, although you can get a fair and reasonable rate in www.kalakari.in , but it is costly than other painting categories(acrylic painting, water colour painting, colour pencil sketch, charcoal sketch, graphite pencil sketch).
Myself Artist Partha Biswas, I am hosting www.kalakari.in website, and my aim is to provide qualitative handmade painting to art lover across the world.
We humans are enough emotional, always we try to find love, relationship and friends. and our domestic animals also became habituated by us to live similar life, it may little more or less.
Left side you can find a kitten is licking cat, it’s a pure example of animal love, the baby cat is kind enough to be with her mother cat, this feeling is clearly reflecting from the painting,
just half an hour ago this mother cat took a small fish for her kitten, but the cat was observed by house owner, and was chased up from the home to baby cat,
It was an awesome moment while clicking this picture,