Oil paint is slow drying. It contains pigment, binder and solvent. The pigment is the color in the form of powder and, the particles of pigment suspended in drying oil or linseed oil in oil paint. Linseed oil is a binder and the solvent may be turpentine or white spirit. Finally, once the painting gets dry, it will get varnished to add more glossiness to the painting and to protect the artwork.
In all painting materials, paints quality has the most important role. The bad paints give the bad effect and the result artwork also will be worst. Try to invest a little good amount on buying colors, which can give you the best output. If you compromise on color quality, the artwork quality also will be less. There are chances that mixing power of paint colors lacks and thus results in unevenness of working. The bad paints also get change; fade as time passes and crack.

Painting is a representation of a subject by a painter or an artist, who knows what to do by tug of brush as it pulls through a mixture of oil paints. It’s said that origin of painting is unknown. Before the Egyptian civilization, people used the color paints in ornamentation, decoration purpose and May also used it to outline the people and animal upon bones and slate.
In 5th and 6th centuries, for Buddhist paintings, Indians and Chinese first used the oil paint in western Afghanistan. It has gained the popularity in `15th century. During middle ages, oil paint slowly migrated to westward as well. And then it became primary medium to create artworks. The art of oil painting is not so easy but its advantages are wide.
Oil painting techniques will be discussed in next article. Follow our blog page to know more.