

Photo To Oil Painting Portrait

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(2 customer reviews)

Choose the size, characters/faces in your photograph and shipping type, then you see the painting price. You can upload the image here or send us at art@kalakari.in If you have any confusion in choosing the image or size and want, any suggestion or have a query, call or Whats App us at +91 7774099936.

Photo To Oil Painting Portrait

Photo to Oil painting portrait: Every art medium has its own specialty, but oil painting is the best choice of art medium for a portrait painting on canvas. Turn images into a beautiful artistic masterpiece canvas painting. A custom handmade painting made on canvas speaks a lot than simple old photos or a digital print. And there is one thing, I always mention is, an oil canvas painting made from photo lasts for ages. It’s such a precious art, your future generations will treasure it with joy. For pre-wedding, wedding photographs, very old photographs of your family, all family members painting, oil painting is the best choice. The oil painting art medium has many advantages. Some are listed below.
  1. Luminous colors can be achieved with oil paints.
  2. As oil colors blend easily, amazing and appealing work can be created. And the artist can give small detailing.
  3. As it dries slowly, the artist can make changes at any time in the painting.
photo to oil painting portrait at kalakari handmade paintings. We provide the best quality artwork at the lowest prices and affordable to anyone. Explore our oil portrait painting gallery: Oil painting gallery So, why wait. Turn your photo to oil painting portrait today.

Girl Oil Painting Portrait On Canvas Man Oil Painting Portrait On Canvas Wedding Oil Painting On Canvas Prewedding Photo To Oil Painting Blur Images To Quality Oil Paintings Old People Oil Painting  Couple Oil Painting Child Oil Painting


Small (6" X 8 "), A4 (8" X 12"), A3 (12" x 16"), A2 (16" x 24"), A1 (24" x 33"), A0 (33" x 46"), 2A0 (46" x 66"), 4A0 (66" x 94")

Characters In Photo

1 Face, 2 Faces, 3 Faces, 4 Faces, 5 Faces, 6 Faces, 7 Faces, 8 Faces, 9 Faces, 10 Faces, 11 Faces, 12 Faces, 13 Faces, 14 Faces, 15 Faces, 16 Faces

2 reviews for Photo To Oil Painting Portrait

  1. partha

    Oil painting has maximum life, and it looks best among all painting medium. As an artist I recommend please choose oil Painting.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5


    Your oil painting is the best art. Its so real by look amaze everyone. 🙂

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