
Mahatma Gandhi painting

The best oil painting with a brilliant quote made for a corporate company

A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider of our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.”         

Mahatma Gandhi painting
Oil painting of Mahatma Gandhi by Partha Biswas

Many sources cleared that, this quotation is said by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa in a speech in 1890. But some sources say that, this quote is also connected with few other authors. No matter who has said this quote, but it is excellent and helpful in maintaining an amazing customer service for every business.

Greet your customers with a warm smile and make them smile. It’s important to show that you recognize them. Identify the customer need. The way you greet your customer helps in setting up your relationship with your customer and your business.

The customer may depend on you for what you sell, but the at most requirement is yours. They pay for what you sell. And it helps you in growing your company profits and giving salaries for your employees. Also remember that, if not you, they have many other options. But for you, every customer is important to get successful in your business.

Never treat a customer as an interruption for your work. Let them feel comfortable in working with you.

Treat customer always as he is part of your business. As said earlier, don’t forget that they have plenty of other options, who may be a competitor for you. Find that customer is favoring you by giving an opportunity to work with him. So appreciate and treat them nicely.

This quotation gives such a brilliant message on how a customer is important for your business. I love this quote and feel every corporate company follow it.

I made this beautiful oil painting of Mahatma Gandhi with the quotation, for a corporate company and thought to write what I have learnt from it.

If you are interested to buy a painting for your office area, we are here to help.

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